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In the group a broad range of ceramic and intermetallic samples can be prepared by solid state reaction, chemical solution methods, arc-melting synthesis, or grown by optical floating zone and PLD, in polycrystalline, single crystal and thin film form

Single crystal fabrication: Floating-zone Optical Furnace
Single-crystals of transition metal oxide compounds are produced by the floating-zone method using a mirror furnace (also called image furnace).

Members of the group are specialized users of synchrotron and neutron sources. The list below shows the most frequently used centers during the last years:

  • Institut Laue-Langevin.ILL; Grenoble: neutron european source (high-flux reactor)
  • European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. ESRF, Grenoble: synchrotron radiation source
  • Diamond Light Source (Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK): Synchrotron radiation source
  • Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ, PSI. Villigen  Switzerland: neutron source (spallation)
  • ALBA. Spanish Synchrotron, Cerdanyola, Barcelona): synchrotron radiation source
  • PETRA-III, DESY Photon Science (Hamburg): Synchrotron radiation source
  • Bessy II . Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin: synchrotron radiation source
  • Swiss Synchrotron Light Source SLS, Switzerland: synchrotron radiation source
  • Laboratoire Léon Brillouin .LLB, Paris. C.E.N : neutron source (reactor)
  • ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK): neutron/muon source (spallation)
  • Berlin Neutron Scattering Centre .BENSC, Helmhotz-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin: neutron source (reactor)
  • LANSCE . Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, USA: neutron source (spallation)