Evidence of high-temperature magnetic spiral in YBaCuFeO5 single-crystal by spherical neutron polarimetry
Arnau Romaguera, Oscar Fabelo, Navid Qureshi, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán and José Luis García-Muñoz
Communications Materials 5, 273 (2024) (Nature Portfolio)
Symmetry, magnetic transitions and multiferroic properties of B site ordered A2MnB’O6 perovskites (B’=[Co, Ni])
Jose Luis Garcia-Muñoz, Xiaodong Zhang, Gloria Subías and Javier Blasco
Acta Crystallographica Section B (2024), B80, 665–675 (Invited paper to an special issue on Magnetic Structures)
Pushing magnetic spirals beyond room temperature by reducing the uniaxial pyramidal elongation in layered Cu/Fe perovskites
Xiaodong Zhang, Arnau Romaguera, Oscar Fabelo, Francois Fauth, Javier Herrero-Martin and José Luis García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033081 (2024)
Disclosing the magnetic ground state of PrBaMn2O6
Javier Blasco, J.A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, Jose Luis Garcia-Muñoz and Gloria Subías
Low Temperature Physics, 50(10) 817–824 (2024)
Three charge-ordered phases in bilayered Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)2Mn2O7 compound: From antiferrodistortive to ferrodistortive structures
J. Blasco, V. Cuartero, S. Lafuerza, J. L. García Muñoz, F. Fauth and G. Subías
Phys. Rev. B 109, 024111 (2024)
Disclosing the magnetic ground state of PrBaMn2O6
Javier Blasco, J.A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, Jose Luis Garcia-Muñoz and Gloria Subías
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2024, 50(10), 911–918
Magnetic properties of highly ordered single crystals with layered YBaCuFeO5 structure
Arnau Romaguera, Xiaodong Zhang, Ruyong Li, Oscar Fabelo and José Luis García-Muñoz
EPJ-WoC 286, 05005 (2023)
Magnetoelastic coupling behaviour of nanocrystalline ε-Fe2O3
C.R.S. Haines, M. Gich, J.L. García-Muñoz, A. Romaguera, Z. Ma, M.B. Costa, M.A. Carpenter
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 583, 170240 (2023)
Antisite defects and chemical expansion in low-damping, high-magnetization yttrium iron garnet films
Jose Santiso, Carlos García, Cristian Romanque, Loïc Henry, Nicolas Bernier, Núria Bagués, José Manuel Caicedo, Manuel Valvidares, and Felip Sandiumenge
ChemNanoMat 9(2), e202200495 (2023) [9pp]
Three charge order phases in the bilayered Pr(Sr0.1Ca0.9)2Mn2O7 compound: from antiferrodistortive to ferrodistortive structures
J. Blasco, V. Cuartero, S. Lafuerza, J. L. García Muñoz, F. Fauth and G. Subías
Phys. Rev. B in revision (2023)
Pushing magnetic spirals beyond room temperature by reducing the uniaxial pyramidal elongation in layered Cu/Fe perovskites
Xiaodong Zhang, Arnau Romaguera, Oscar Fabelo, Francois Fauth, Javier Herrero-Martin and José Luis García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. Research in revision (2023)
Helimagnets by disorder: Its role on the high-temperature magnetic spiral in the YBaCuFeO5 perovskite
Arnau Romaguera, Xiaodong Zhang, Oscar Fabelo, Francois Fauth, Javier Blasco and José Luis García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043188 (2022) [18pp]
Structural and magnetic properties of Ca3Mn2-xRuxO7 (0<x≤0.9)
J. Blasco, J.A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, J. L. García-Muñoz, V. Cuartero, S. Lafuerza, G. Subías
Physical Review B 106, 134403 (2022) [12pp]
Magnetic properties of a highly ordered single crystal of the layered perovskite YBaCuFe0.95Mn0.05O5
Xiaodong Zhang, Arnau Romaguera, Felip Sandiumenge, Oscar Fabelo, Javier Blasco, Javier Herrero-Martín and José Luis García-Muñoz
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 551 (2022) 169165 [7pp]
Magnetic order and magnetic properties of the oxygen deficient SmBaMn2O5 layered perovskite
J. Blasco, J.A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, G. Subías, M.C. Sánchez and J. L. García-Muñoz
Mater. Res. Bull. 150 (2022) 111780 [7pp]
Magnetoelastic coupling behaviour of nanocrystalline ε-Fe2O3
C.R.S. Haines, M. Gich, J.L. García-Muñoz, A. Romaguera, Z. Ma, M.B. Costa, M.A. Carpenter
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 170240 (2022) [16 pp]
Antisite defects and chemical expansion in low damping – high magnetization yttrium iron garnet films
J. Santiso, C. García, C. Romanque, L. Henry, N. Bernier, N. Bagués, J. Manuel Caicedo, M. Valvidares, F. Sandiumenge
ChemNanoMat e202200495 (2022)
Extending the novel |ρ|-based phasing algorithm to the solution of anomalous scattering substructures from SAD data of protein crystals
Jordi Rius and Xavier Torrelles
Acta Crystallogr. A78 (2022) 473-481
Coexistence of structural and magnetic phases in van der Waals magnet CrI3
Jaume Meseguer-Sánchez, Catalin Popescu, José Luis García-Muñoz, Hubertus Luetkens, Grigol Taniashvili, Efrén Navarro-Moratalla, Zurab Guguchia, Elton J. G. Santos
Nature Communications 12, 6265 (2021)
Phase transitions and magnetic structures in Epsilon-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
A. Romaguera, Z. Ma, J. Herrero-Martín, C. Popescu, J. Ángel Sans, M. Gich, J.L. García-Muñoz
Acta Cryst. (2021), A77, C639
Magnetic ordering in La1.5Ca0.5CoO4 disclosed by resonant x-ray magnetic scattering and neutron diffraction techniques
J. Blasco, G. Subías, J. García, J. Herrero-Martín, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, R. Fan and P. Steadman
Phys. Rev. B 103, 184422 (2021)
New density-modification procedure extending the application of the recent |q|-based phasing algorithm to larger crystal structures
Jordi Rius and Xavier Torrelles
Acta Cryst. A 77 (2021) 339–347
Determination of the crystal structures in the A-site-ordered YBaMn2O6 perovskite
Javier Blasco, Gloria Subías, José Luis García-Muñoz, François Fauth, and Joaquín García
J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 19467–19480 (2021) [14pp]
Ferromagnetic metallic Sr-rich Ln1/2A1/2CoO3 cobaltites with spontaneous spin rotation
Jessica Padilla-Pantoja, Arnau Romaguera, Xiaodong Zhang, Javier Herrero-Martín, Francois Fauth, Javier Blasco and José Luis García-Muñoz
Physical Review B 104, 054411 (2021) [12pp]
Symmetry mode analysis of distorted polar/nonpolar structures in A-site ordered SmBaMn2O6 perovskite
J. Blasco, G. Subías, J. L. García-Muñoz, F. Fauth, M. C. Sánchez and J. García
Physical Review B 103, 214110 (2021) [14pp]
Tuning the tilting of the spiral plane by Mn doping in YBaCuFeO5 multiferroic
Xiaodong Zhang, A. Romaguera, Oscar Fabelo, F. Fauth, Javier Herrero-Martín and Jose Luis García-Muñoz
Acta Materialia 206 (2021) 116608 [10pp]
Magnetocapacitance effect and magnetoelectric coupling in type-II multiferroic HoFeWO6
M. Adnani, M. Gooch, L. Deng, S. Agrestini, J. Herrero-Martin, H.C. Wu, C.-K. Chang, T. Salavati-fard, N. Poudel, J. L. García-Muñoz, S. Daneshmandi, Z. Wu, L. C. Grabow, Y.-C. Lai, H.-D. Yang, E. Pellegrin and C.-W. Chu
Physical Review B 103, 094110 (2021) [9pp]
Structure and phase transitions in A-site ordered RBaMn2O6 (Pr, Nd) perovskites with a polar groundstate
J. Blasco, G. Subías, M. L. Sanjuán, J. L. García-Muñoz, F. Fauth and J. García
Physical Review B 103, 064105 (2021) [15pp]
Growth-mode and interface structure of epitaxial ultrathin MgO/Ag(001) films
M. De Santis, V Langlais, K. Schneider and X. Torrelles
J. of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 265002 (2021) [7pp]
Tuning the tilting of the spiral plane by Mn doping in YBaCuFeO5 multiferroic
Xiaodong Zhang, A. Romaguera, Oscar Fabelo, F. Fauth, Javier Herrero-Martín and Jose Luis García-Muñoz
Preprint (2020),
Magnetic properties of Cr-substituted ε-(Fe1-xCrx)2O3 nanoparticles with epsilon structure
Zheng Ma, Arnau Romaguera, Francois Fauth, Javier Herrero-Martín, Jose Luis García-Muñoz, Martí Gich
J. Magn. Magn. Mater 506, 166764 (2020) [6pp]
Structural study of decrespignyite-(Y), a complex yttrium rare earth copper carbonate chloride, by three-dimensional electron and synchrotron powder diffraction
Jordi Rius, Fernando Colombo, Oriol Vallcorba, Xavier Torrelles, Mauro Gemmi, and Enrico Mugnaioli
Eur. J. Mineral., 32, 545–555 (2020)
Structure and phase transitions in A-site ordered RBaMn2O6 (Pr, Nd) perovskites with a polar groundstate
J. Blasco, G. Subías, M. L. Sanjuán, J. L. García-Muñoz, F. Fauth and J. García
Preprint (2020),
Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonances in ε-Fe2O3
Z. Ma, V. V K Thalakkatukalathil, A. Romaguera, J. L. García-Muñoz, F. Macià, J. M. Hernandez, M.Gich
Preprint (2020)
Magnetic inversion symmetry breaking and spin reorientation in Tb2MnNiO6 : a polar strong ferromagnet
Jose Luis García-Muñoz, Javier Blasco, Xiaodong Zhang and Oscar Fabelo
Phys. Rev. B 99, 184444 [9pp] (2019)
Spin ordering and physical properties of NaPrFeWO6 and NaSmFeWO6 with polar double perovskite structure
Javier Blasco, José A Rodríguez-Velamazán, Gloria Subías, José Luis García-Muñoz, Jolanta Stankiewicz and Joaquín García
Acta Materialia 176, 53-62 (2019) [10pp]
Double-cell superstructure and vacancy ordering in tensile-strained metallic thin films of Pr0.50Ca0.50CoO3 on LaAlO3
Jessica Padilla-Pantoja, Xavier Torrelles, Jaume Gazquez, Juan Rubio-Zuazo, Javier Blasco, Javier Herrero-Martín and Jose Luis García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 104407 [9pp] (2019)
Epitaxial growth and structure of cobalt ferrite thin films with large inversion parameter on Ag(001)
Maurizio De Santis, Aude Bailly, Ian Coates, Stéphane Grenier, Olivier Heckmann, Karol Hricovini, Yves Joly, Veronique Langlais, Aline Y. Ramos, Christine Richter, Xavier Torrelles, Stéphanie Garaudé, Olivier Geaymond and Olivier Ulrich
Acta Cryst. (2019). B75, 8–17
Electronic and structural reconstructions of the polar (111) SrTiO3 surface
X. Torrelles, G. Cantele, G. M. De Luca, R. Di Capua, J. Drnec, R. Felici, D. Ninno, G. Herranz, and M. Salluzzo
Phys. Rev. B 99, 205421 (2019)
Water-Induced Reversal of the TiO2(011)-(2 x 1) Surface Reconstruction: Observed with in Situ Surface X-ray Diffractions
H. Hussain, M.H.M. Ahmed, X. Torrelles, D. C. Grinter, G. Cabailh, O. Bikondoa, C. Nicklin, U. Aschauer, R. Lindsay and G. Thornton
J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 13545−13550
Structure of a Superhydrophilic Surface: Wet Chemically Prepared Rutile-TiO2(110)(1 x 1)
J. P.W. Treacy, H. Hussain, X. Torrelles, G. Cabailh, O. Bikondoa, C. Nicklin, G. Thornton, and R. Lindsay
J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 8463−8468
Pristine and hydrated fluoroapatite (0001)
Xavier Torrelles, Immad M. Nadeem, Anna Kupka, Adrián Crespo-Villanueva, Sandrina Meis, Hermann Gies and Oier Bikondoa
Acta Cryst. (2019). B75, 830–838)
Magnetic and electronic properties of the ferroelectric−photovoltaic ordered double perovskite CaMnTi2O6 investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopies
Javier Herrero-Martín, Javier Ruiz-Fuertes, Thomas Bernert, Monika Koch-Müller, Eiken Haussühl and José Luis García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. B 97, 235129 [9pp] (2018)
Influence of the magnetic field on the stability of the multiferroic conical spin arrangement of Mn0.80Co0.20WO4
I. Urcelay-Olabarria, E. Ressouche, V. Y. Ivanov, V. Skumryev, Z. Wang, Y. Skourski, A. M. Balbashov, Yu. F. Popov, G. P. Vorob’ev, N. Qureshi, J. L. García-Muñoz, and A. A. Mukhin
Phys. Rev. B 98, 134430 [10pp] (2018)
Solving the Long-Standing Controversy of Long-Chain Alkanethiols Surface Structure on Au(111)
X. Torrelles, E. Pensa, E. Cortes, Emiliano, P. Castro, R. Salvarezza, P. Carro, C. Hernández Guerrero, C. Ocal, E. Barrena, S. Ferrer
J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018) 3893-3902
Water Dissociates at the Aqueous Interface with Reduced Anatase TiO2 (101)
IM Nadeem, JPW Treacy, S Selcuk, X. Torrelles, H Hussain, A. Wilson, D.C. Grinter, G. Cabailh, O. Bikondoa, C. Nicklin, A. la Selloni, J. Zegenhagen, R. Lindsay, G. Thornton
J. of Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 (2018) 3131-3136
Structure of a model TiO2 photocatalytic interface
H. Hussain, G. Tocci, T. Woolcot, X. Torrelles, C. L. Pang, D. S. Humphrey, C. M. Yim, D. C. Grinter, G. Cabailh, O. Bikondoa, R. Lindsay, J. Zegenhagen, A. Michaelides and G. Thornton
Nature Materials 16(4) 461-466 (2017)
Electronic, spin-state and magnetic transitions in Ba2Co9O14 investigated by x-ray spectroscopies and neutron diffraction
J. Herrero-Martín, J. Padilla-Pantoja, S. Lafuerza, A. Romaguera, F. Fauth, J. S. Reparaz and J. L. García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235129 [12pp] (2017)
Magnetic order and magnetoelectric properties of R2CoMnO6 (R=Ho, Tm, Yb and Lu) perovskites
J. Blasco, J. L. García-Muñoz, J. García, G. Subías, J. Stankiewicz, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán and C. Ritter
Phys. Rev. B 96, 024409 [14pp] (2017)
Magnetic field-induced phase transitions and phase diagrams of Mn0.95Co0.05WO4 multiferroic with cycloidal spin structure
I. Urcelay-Olabarria, E. Ressouche, Z. Wang, Y. Skourski, V. Ivanov, Y. F. Popov, G. P. Vorob’ev, A. M. Balbashov, N. Qureshi, J.L. García-Muñoz, V. Skumryev, A. Mukhin
Phys. Rev. B 96, 104435 [10pp] (2017)
Geometric structure of anatase TiO2(101)
Jon P. W. Treacy, Hadeel Hussain, Xavier Torrelles, David C. Grinter, Gregory Cabailh, Oier Bikondoa, Christopher Nicklin, Sencer Selcuk, Annabella Selloni, Robert Lindsay, and Geoff Thornton
Phys. Rev. B 95(7), 075416 [7pp] (2017)
Unveiling a new high-temperature ordered magnetic phase in ε-Fe2O3
José Luis García-Muñoz, Arnau Romaguera, Francois Fauth, Josep Nogués and Martí Gich
Chemistry of Materials 29 (22), 9705–9713 (2017)
Structural and electrical properties of indium oxide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition in oxygen ambient
Jolanta Stankiewicz, Xavier Torrelles, Jose Luis García-Muñoz, Javier Blasco
J. of Alloys and Compounds 694, 1280-1286 (2017)
Magnetic, magnestructural and magnetoelectric properties of cobalt-based oxides
J. L. García-Muñoz, J. Herrero-Martín, J. Padilla-Pantoja, B. Bozzo, I. Urcelay, and, J. Blasco
Acta Crystallographica A 73(a2), C1310 (2017)
Origin of the Multiferroic-Like Properties of Er2CoMnO6
J. Blasco, G. Subías, J. García, J. Stankiewicz, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, C. Ritter, J. L. García-Muñoz
Solid State Phenomena, 257, 95-98 (2017)
Magnetostructural coupling, magnetic ordering and cobalt spin reorientation in metallic Pr0.5Sr0.50CoO3 cobaltite
J.L. García-Muñoz, J. Padilla-Pantoja, X. Torrelles, J. Blasco, J. Herrero-Martín, B. Bozzo, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán
Phys. Rev. B 94, 014411 [9pp] (2016)
Magnetoelectric and structural properties of Y2CoMnO6: The role of antisite defects
Blasco, J. García, G. Subías, J. Stankiewicz, J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán, C. Ritter, J. L. García-Muñoz and F. Fauth
Phys. Rev. B 93, 214401 [12pp] (2016)
Comparative study of the field-induced and spontaneous AF2′ multiferroic phases in MnWO4 and Mn0.90Co0.10WO4 within the magnetic-symmetry framework
Irene Urcelay-Olabarria, Jose Luis Garcia-Muñoz, Eric Ressouche, Alexander A. Mukhin and Vassil Skumryev
Journal of Applied Crystallography 49, 520–527 (2016).
Characterization of competing distortions in YFe2O4
Blasco, S. Lafuerza, J. García, G. Subías, V. Cuartero, J. L. García-Muñoz, C. Popescu and I. Peral.
Phys. Rev. B 93, 184110 [11pp] (2016)
Quantitative Structure of an Acetate Dye-Molecule Analogue at the TiO2 – Acetic Acid Interface
Hussain, X. Torrelles, G. Cabailh, P. Rajput, R. Lindsay, O. Bikondoa, M. Tillotson, R. Grau-Crespo J. Zegenhagen, G. Thornton
of Phys. Chem. C (2016, in press, ID: jp-2016-00186y)
Diatomic steps in Pt(997) surfaces are better catalysts than monatomic steps for the CO oxidation reaction near atmospheric pressure
O.Balmes, G.Prevot, X.Torrelles, E.Lundgren and S. Ferrer
ACS Catalysis 6 (2), pp 1285–1291(2016)
Magnetite epitaxial growth on Ag(001): selected orientation, seed layer, and interface sharpness
Lamirand, S. Grenier, V. Langlais, A. Ramos, H. Tolentino, X. Torrelles, M. De Santis
Surf. Science 647, 33-38 (2016)
Direct observation of non collinear order of Co and Mn moments in multiferroic Mn0.85Co0.15WO4
Herrero-Martín, A. N. Dobrynin, C. Mazzoli, P. Steadman, P. Bencok, R. Fan, A. A. Mukhin, V. Skumryev and J. L. García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 91, 220403(R) (5pp) (2015)
Field effects with H//b on the incommensurate magnetic structures of multiferroic MnWO4 studied within the superspace formalism
Urcelay-Olabarria, J. L. García-Muñoz and A. A. Mukhin.
Phys. Rev. B 91, 104429 (7pp) (2015)
Evidence of large magneto-dielectric effect coupled to a metamagnetic transition in Yb2CoMnO6
Blasco, J. L. García-Muñoz, J. García, J. Stankiewicz, G. Subías, C. Ritter, and J. A. Rodríguez-Velamazán
Applied Physics Letters 107, 012902 (5pp) (2015)
Structural effects of the spin-state crossover at high temperature in the distorted ErCoO3 cobaltite
Jessica Padilla-Pantoja, José Luis García-Muñoz, J. A. Alonso, M T Fernandez-Díaz
of Physics: Conf. Series 663, 012005 (6pp) (2015)
Spin-lattice coupling across the singular magnetostructural transition in Pr0.50Sr0.50CoO3 by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
Padilla-Pantoja, J. Herrero-Martín, E. Pellegrin, P. Gargiani, S. M. Valvidares, A. Barla and J. L. García-Muñoz
Phys. Rev. B 92, 245136 (7pp) (2015)
Neutron Diffraction Study of the the (BiFeO3)1-x(PbTiO3)x Solid Solution: A Nanostructured Multiferroic System
I.V. Golosovsky, S.B. Vakhrushev, J.L. García-Muñoz, M. Brunelli, W.-M. Zhu, Z.-G. Ye and V. Skumryev
Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 046004 (8pp) (2015)
Correction to Structural Properties and Singular Phase Transitions of Metallic Pr0.50Sr0.50CoO3 Cobaltite
Jessica Padilla-Pantoja, José Luis García-Muñoz, Bernat Bozzo, Zdeněk Jirák and Javier Herrero-Martín
Inorg. Chem. 54 (12), pp 6062–6062 (2015)
Geometry of a-Cr2O3(0001) as a function of H2O partial pressure
H. M. Ahmed, X. Torrelles, J. P. W. Treacy, H. Hussain, C. Nicklin,, P.L. Wincott, D.J. Vaughan, G. Thornton, and R. Lindsay
Phys. Chem. C 119, 21426-21433 (2015)
Impact of ambient oxygen on the surface structure of a-Cr2O3(0001)
Bikondoa, W. Moritz, X. Torrelles, H. J. Kim, G. Thornton and R. Lindsay
Phys. Rev. B 91 (3) (2015) 039910